OneBillionPixels’ Polaroids is one of my favourite CC in Sims 4!
And since I use ‘em all the time I decided to do a recolor ^_^
There are 4 swatches, all pug motives (Cause who doesn’t love pugs?).
And you can download ‘em here: DOWNLOAD
And since I use ‘em all the time I decided to do a recolor ^_^
There are 4 swatches, all pug motives (Cause who doesn’t love pugs?).
And you can download ‘em here: DOWNLOAD

I hope you like them! And if you don’t there has got to be something wrong with you, cause these are pictures of pugs!! Pugs! PUGS!
Download here
You should also go pick up the original one if you don’t already got it. You won’t need it for my new recolor to work, but you sure need it to have a great sims 4 cc list! :D Its supercute… Download Original by OneBillionPixels here.
Recolored using Sims4Studio
Happy Simming!
Happy Simming!
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